The city of Specularn is under siege. An ancient evil has returned to crush the human city into the very earth from which is sprang so many eons ago. Peace, reigning supreme for hundreds of years, has suddenly vanished amidst a flurry of daring raids and devastating attacks from all manners of beasts and monsters. But make no mistake, giants are the real evil behind the deadly attacks of gnolls, minatours and ogres and other creatures even deadlier than those of old wives tales.
Good king Bradwick has tried in vain to rally the dwarves and elves to help repel the evil invading hoards as they had done so many years centuries ago. The dwarves have retreated to the underworld in an effort to avoid outside contact and the elves have all but disappeared from the occupied Realmz altogether.
It is all they can do for king Bradwicks few remaining troops to protect the villages and towns in the immediate area, much less mount a full scale assault on the invaders. A far off outpost captained by the kings nephew Samuel Stillwater has not been heard from for many months and the king himself has declared the outpost lost to the forces of evil that now engulf it.
Though the situation seems hopeless and a constant stream of refugees pour in from the outlying areas in an attempt to escape the terror and carnage. Alas, the fate of Specularn shall be no better unless something is done to bring the downfall of the mighty fortresses that house the invading giants.
Your task. Meet with king Bradwick and make your plans to Assault Giant Mountain, for to do otherwise spells certain doom for Specularn and possibly the entire human race.
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